Jan 28

WCAG 2.0 in a nutshell, and a problem that illustrates its use

The “Web Content Accessibility Guidelines” (WCAG) 2.0 are the accessibility standard most new websites in Ontario and many other places around the world have to meet nowadays. Here’s a front end accessibility lesson that can show us a few things about applying WCAG 2.0, at a couple different levels. I’ll demonstrate a JavaScript solution to a specific problem, I’ll sort of ‘reverse engineer’ from that problem to locate where it sits within the framework of the four principles—that content must be Perceivable, Operable, Understandable, and Robust—and I’ll show how I use the WCAG 2.0 site to understand any accessibility issue—whom it affects, how, how to fix it, and how to know that I’ve done so successfully. As a bonus, I’ll pop over to the jQuery API site and look at the selector reference. I think the WordPress “hack” I show for adding this to your blog is out of date—the “Admired” theme I’m using now has a way better built-in method—so you’ll need to adapt it. No clue at all what I’m talking about? I didn’t learn this in school either… sometimes you just have to dig in and figure it out.

Understanding WCAG 2.0

Understanding… WCAG 2.0 means understanding that the work began as a collaborative effort to define the 4 Principles of an accessible internet site, which after a decade of ongoing consultation with an ever-growing international community are now guidelines—not exactly the same as “rules”—and a list of criteria—things front-end developers must, should, and can do—to succeed at removing the barriers some groups will otherwise face when accessing and using the internet. [It…] is not prescriptive, but offers options…

Understanding how to use the huge body of work we call WCAG 2.0 means understanding that the work began as a collaborative effort to define the 4 Principles of an accessible internet site, which after a decade of ongoing consultation with an ever-growing international community are now guidelines—not exactly the same as “rules”—and a list of criteria—things front-end developers must, should, and can do—to succeed at removing the barriers some groups will otherwise face when accessing and using the internet. Because the list is not prescriptive, but offers options, it seems of the utmost importance to first know your audience, and next, to understand as the Web Consortium’s Accessibility Group sets out in WCAG 2.0, the best way your organization can guarantee your audience access to your content.

David Berman said in his workshop, and I think it makes perfect sense, that the differences between accessibility and usability are, for all intents and purposes, purely semantic. Providing access for people with varying abilities, simply makes things more usable for everyone.

The specific problems I’ll address are, ‘opening too many new windows’ and ‘changing things without telling me.’ In order to keep site visitors from leaving a site, Web developers often open links in new windows, usually by using the target attribute, and by assigning it a value of "_blank":

<a href="http://SOME_LINK" target="_blank">Linked text</a>

WCAG 2.0 in a nutshell

As I said earlier, there are 4 Principles. Websites must be 1) perceivable, 2) operable, 3) understandable, and 4) robust. If you like acronyms: POUR some accessibility sugar on me (use <abbr title="Spelled Out">SO</abbr> to create tool tips screen readers can use)! Each principal has “guidelines, “…which are further categorized into levels. Level A must be done, or some group will not be able to access the content. Level AA should be done, or some group will have difficulty accessing the content. Level AAA can be done to improve usability or enhance accessibility further. Too many windows causes problems in understanding, which is principle #3. This can be especially challenging for those with disabilities related to vision or cognition.

The Understanding WCAG 2.0 site provides information by which to understand each guideline, and provides “success criteria” so you know when you’ve achieved each level, and examples of techniques you can use to get there. “Success criteria” are written as statements that are recognizably/measurably false until one meets the guidelines. The problems that prevent the statement from being true are your challenges to overcome.

Know your organization, your audience, and your content. Use valid HTML wherever you write code. If most of your site visitors are knowledgeable about technology it may not be necessary to open new windows, as they will use their familiar browsing setup to choose when and how to open them, and if your code is valid it will work as they expect. There’s no WCAG 2.0 guideline that says not to open new windows, but we must think more carefully about how doing so may create barriers to ease of access and use.

Guideline 3.2 says: make webpages appear and operate in predictable ways. Opening pop-up windows could be problematic for screen readers. If they don’t know the window is opening they can get lost. This guideline also covers many situations, such as focus or context changes, and page reloads—anything a user can potentially do that changes the content. WCAG 2.0 by no means prohibit pop-up windows, but we must prevent them from becoming barriers or annoyances. We should minimize the number of new windows, stop using target=”_blank”, and let users request a new window or otherwise inform them it’s about to open. If we look further in the Table of Contents we find a discussion about pop-ups under 3.2.5, with suggestions…

Situation C: If the Web page uses pop-up windows:

Including pop-up windows using one of the following techniques:

H83: Using the target attribute to open a new window on user request and indicating this in link text (HTML)

SCR24: Using progressive enhancement to open new windows on user request (Scripting)

3.2.5 also has an “Advisory” about additional techniques.

Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 3.2.5

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

Opening new windows by providing normal hyperlinks without the target attribute (future link), because many user agents allow users to open links in another window or tab.

G200: Opening new windows and tabs from a link only when necessary

Understanding the problem, we now make a plan


I don’t want folk leaving my pages abruptly or permanently, and I don’t think all my visitors know everything about their browser’s and other equipment’s context-sensitive help menus, access key options, etc., so I’ve elected to automatically open some content in new windows. I’ve decided I can sensibly limit the number of windows that open from any of my blog pages to a maximum of 2 by applying a simple self-enforced rule. I’ll still use the target attribute, but instead to create one “named window” for links to other areas of my site (rcfWin), and one “named window” for links to external sites (extWin). I’ll open all external links in their own window, which means I can easily design something that will apply retroactively to all such links. Go to the API selectors page and scroll down to Attribute Starts With Selector [name^="value"] to get the syntax. I want to select all the links (a) with an href attribute whose value begins with http:// (or https://). We can get away with [href^="http"].

I have to weigh all the advice to find the best way to handle my internal links. If you’ve linked text in the middle of one article to another article there’s a distinct chance the user will click it and start reading. If you don’t want that, the most sensible choice is usually to lose the link—link only at the end of the information and only to the next logical jump in a sequence. But if you feel you must have the option, to keep it as an available option you can create a CSS class name and tell jQuery to look for that. You’ll still have to add it manually to any links, past present or future, you want to behave that way. Or you could do it the other way around and use your class to prevent opening in another window or tab.

<a class="open-in-rcfWin" href="/MY_INTERNAL_LINK" target="rcfWin">Linked text</a>
<a href="http://SOME_EXTERNAL_LINK" target="extWin">Linked text</a>

* Aside: I’ve already manually removed the http://www.rcfouchaux.ca from internal links because of its effect on WordPress “pingback links,” which I’ve got going on here. I’ll have to explain those later, but it comes in handy that I’ve done this, as you’ll soon see.


This blog just turned 3, and I’ve got a lot of blog pages. I have to find some way to automate at least some of this. I might have used target="_blank" sometimes, and not others. I might have already used target="extWin".

jQuery to the rescue!

jQuery library—write less, do more

jQuery is a “library” of code that makes standard JavaScript easier to use by preparing commonly used patterns and tasks and giving them logical, easier-to-remember names. jQuery selectors let’s us find and select specific elements and groups of elements on a web page and then manipulate them in pretty astonishing ways. If your site is WordPress like this one you’ll have to find out if jQuery is already included in your theme, or if it can be added easily (or if you have admin access to your web root and know how you can add it to any web site). Due to historical reasons I combine methods. I let the Admired Theme supply the jQuery and I keep extras in my own file. To make it use the scripts in my file I need admin-level server access to edit my theme’s header.php, which is found in wp-content/themes/YOUR_THEME/. Find wp_head(); alone on its own line and add a line of code after it wp_enqueue_script( ALIAS, PATHTOFILENAME );. The path to the file has to be complete, should be a ‘relative’ path, and depends on your server. I always make the alias the first part of the filename.

	/* JavaScript for threaded comments.
	if ( is_singular() && get_option( 'thread_comments' ) )
		wp_enqueue_script( 'comment-reply' );

	/* wp_head() before closing </head> tag.
	/* Include own script(s) AFTER wp_head() tag.
wp_enqueue_script( 'MY_CUSTOM_SCRIPT', '../[actual_path_to]/MY_CUSTOM_SCRIPT.js' );
/* etc... */

Thereafter you make changes to that file and then replace it on the server. Keep in mind that header.php will be over-written if and when you update your theme, so keep backups of any code you add.

Adding the behaviors we want to the elements we want

The jQuery magic starts when you wrap the selector in $('SELECTOR');. I’ll be creating a set of extWinLinks $('[href^="http"]'); and rcfWinLinks $('.open-in-rcfWin');

There are nearly always more than one way to solve a problem with jQuery. My general approach will be to create a function as the page loads, and call it when the page is ready. I’ll supply more details in the code comments!

To recap: we’ll take all http links and assign target=”extWin” regardless if they’ve got a target attribute set or what it might be set to. We’ll also create a class name to apply to internal links we think should open their own window, but never the same window an external link may already be open in. Bonus: We’ll add the sentence ” … Opens in a new tab or window.” to every link that does that. Because this last bit of code will be repeated in both the previous functions we’ll write it as a standalone function in its own right, and call it from the other two when needed (those jQuery.each(); loops that repeat in each function are good candidates for the same treatment, but I left it so you can better compare what’s happening in each case).

         * Window openers
         * Require jQuery
          // Declare variables in a single statement at the top of the script.
          // Select external links and store in a variable named extWinLinks
          // Select internal links and store in a variable named rcfWinLinks
          // Create two functions to set the targets on the two sets of elements. 
             extWinLinks = $('a[href^="http"]').not( 'a[href~=".rcfouchaux.ca/"]' ), // use a comma if you have more
             rcfWinLinks = $('.open-in-rcfWin'),
             do_extWinLinks = function() {
                 // Set the target attribute to 'extWin'
                 extWinLinks.attr({ target:'extWin' });
                 // Go through each item and get its title if it has one, or set it to an empty string.
                 extWinLinks.each( function( el,i ) {
                     var my = $(this), myTitle = my.attr('title') || '' ;
                         my.attr({ title : appendNotice( myTitle ) });
             do_rcfWinLinks = function() {          
                 // Set the target attribute to 'extWin'
                 rcfWinLinks.attr({ target:'rcfWin' });
                 // Go through each item and get its title if it has one, or set it to an empty string.
                 rcfWinLinks.each( function( el,i ) {
                     var my = $(this), myTitle = my.attr('title') || '' ;
                         my.attr({ title : appendNotice( myTitle ) });
             appendNotice = function( title ) {
                 // Store the notice as a variable
                     notice = ' … Opens in a new tab or window.'
                 // return the appended notice (but don't add a leading space)
                 // This syntax, if what's left of ? is true returns left of :, otherwise right of :
                 return ( title.length > 0 ) ? title + ' ' + notice : notice ;
          ; // I make the final semicolon obvious so I can find it later
          // Call the functions. 

To summarize

Know your organization, your audience, and your content. Use valid HTML wherever you write code. If most of your site visitors are knowledgeable about technology it may not be necessary to open new windows, as they will use their familiar browsing setup to choose when and how to open them, and if your code is valid it will work as they expect. There’s no WCAG 2.0 guideline that says not to open new windows, but we must think more carefully about how doing so may create barriers to ease of access and use. We might consider limiting their number—by using a named window, not the well-known keyword _blank—and warn our users it will open in a way that screen readers will discover and convey to any users who may be using one. This discussion follows a line of thinking you can adapt to meeting other WCAG 2.0 success criteria. This JavaScript shows only one way to reduce the number of windows your site opens, and to inform users in advance in a way their technology can understand.

I’ve coded all the external links in this post differently, but they should all open in the same tab or window. Hover your mouse over any links on this page to see if the ” … Opens in a new tab or window” notice worked. Here’s a class="open-in-rcfWin" internal link and here’s another one. The next one has no class set, so it will replace the content of this page with the home page: ciao for now!


Understanding WCAG 2.0 Latest version: www.w3.org/TR/UNDERSTANDING-WCAG20/

How to Meet WCAG 2.0 – Quick Reference: www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG20/quickref/

Sep 30

LilyPond with Frescobaldi: open source music engraving

LilyPond is open source music engraving software. LilyPond “…was designed to solve the problems we found in existing software and to create beautiful music that mimics the finest hand-engraved scores.” It produces some of the finest looking scores you can imagine, and almost any style of note or notation you can imagine. But it’s a scripting language—which for many people makes it very difficult to learn, and much too tedious to use. Enter Frescobaldi.

Frescobaldi is an open source editing tool for LilyPond. I won’t pretend there’s no learning curve, but if you want to print absolutely stunning music scores and enjoy learning technology it’s worth it, and I’ll help you get started. And if you’re a music educator I’ll make some suggestions about how I might use this in teaching, albeit at a high school level or higher, with students who have already learned the basics of reading. Thanks to Frescobaldi’s built-in MIDI player I see applications to ear training, as well as more obvious help with general notation problems. I’ve also screen-recorded some of my first explorations, and I intend to edit them down and add audio, and continue with a video tutorial, hopefully in just a few days.

Both programs run on Windows, Mac or Linux, but there’s no Mac or Linux installer for Frescobaldi, so if you’re not running Windows you may need some extra skills there. First, download and install both programs using the links below. You will not need to launch LilyPond. You’ll launch Frescobaldi, tell it where to find LilyPond and Frescobaldi will take it from there.

Software links

LilyPond is a music engraving program, devoted to producing the highest-quality sheet music possible. Download

Frescobaldi is a LilyPond sheet music text editor. It aims to be powerful, yet lightweight and easy to use. Download

  1. On first launch Frescobaldi opens an empty document. You type and insert LilyPond code in the left Editor panel and then press the LilyPond icon ion the toolbar to render a gorgeous PDF in the right, or Music View panel. hide image Screen shot
  2. Choose EditPreferences… show image
  3. Set path to LilyPond show image
    Windows default: C:/Program Files (x86)/LilyPond/usr/bin/lilypond-windows.exe
  4. Choose ToolsPreferencesSetup New Score… (Ctrl+Shift+N) to open the Score Setup Wizard show image
     Other items on this list will be of great interest soon… I used the Quick Insert tool and the MIDI Player early in my very first score.

    The Score Setup Wizard lets you set the following up front—especially recommended your first time, as once you create the file you’ll need to get code snippets from the documentation, the other tools in the Tools menu, another file, or know what to type.
     You might even want to fill in all the fields and save a MasterSnippet.ly file for later reference. Frescobaldi also has its own built-in Snippets manager.

    1. Titles and Headers show
    2. Parts show
    3. Score Settings show
       Be sure to try the Preview button!

To get started I just picked 8 bars of a Stevie Wonder tune I happened to have loaded in iTunes. You can see the first 2 bars of the lick on the right of the screen shot below. The script on the left side, which you’d have to write from scratch without an editor, demonstrates rather aptly I think, why a tool like Frescobaldi can likely make LilyPond more useful to a much larger community. What will be much easier to demonstrate in a video tutorial is how I copy/pasted a snippet of code from the documentation into the editor and then tweaked it until I got what I wanted. The notes you see on the right are formed entirely by this part of the script on the left. 'is' as a sharp is not intuitive (unless you speak Dutch), but now that I’ve told you perhaps you can see the 4, 8 and 16 that sets note values, ‘r’ for rest, and the lower case note names, key of B Major. The tildes (~) create the ties, and I entered staccato and accents using the Quick Insert tool shown in the left panel of the final screen shot below.
 All your music goes immediately after the % Music follows here. and before the closing curly brace (}) that lines up flush left with the instrument name above it and the code \score below it (see both screen shots beneath the following code snippet).

// You can group and nest notes in curly braces for readability.
// Here I've grouped each beat within each measure on its own line.
{b4-.} {r16 b16 dis cis-&amp;gt;~}  {cis-. cis16 gis' fis-&amp;gt;~} {fis8-. fis,16 gis}
{b8-&amp;gt;-. cis16 cisis16} {dis16 fis gis b-&amp;gt;~}  {b16 cis16 cisis dis-&amp;gt;~} {dis4-.}

Screen shot

By the time I’d finished I’d opened the MIDI Player to check my work. You need to press the Engrave button to refresh the output on the right (there are further options under the LilyPond menu). Frescobaldi supplies the bar lines based on the time signature in the score settings, and plays audio—I feel those two facts have pedagogical implications. I slowed down my 8-bar passage using Audacity, played them side by side, and by refreshing the output was able to see and hear what I had right and wrong along the way.
Screen shot
I hope this is enough to pique your interest. There’s another LilyPond editor I plan to try soon too, Denemo, highlighted with even more on the LilyPond site. It looks quite sophisticated, but I can tell I’ve barely scratched the surface of Frescobaldi, which was intuitive enough out of the box to keep me intrigued and progressing—getting this far was fun! Please use the comments section and stay tuned for some video tutorials as I get in further.


Richard studied as a teenager with Trevor Payne at John Abbott College and attended Berklee College of Music in Boston. He has performed across Canada with full-time rock bands since the early 80s. He’s been a teacher of rock, jazz & classical guitar at the now defunct Toronto Percussion Centre, and at The Arts Music Store for many years. He holds the degrees of Bachelor of Fine Arts Music (Special Honours), Bachelor of Education, and Master of Education from York University, plays guitar and trombone, and taught grade 6-8 band at the Toronto District School Board and North York School Board.

May 28

Make Captivate HTML5 Work in Firefox

screen shot of error dialogWith the slow but steady demise of Flash, SWF-based elearning software makers, like Adobe, have been “cramming” (a word from disruptive innovation) HTML5 into their products, like Captivate (I’m using v6.1), to keep up. Because the HTML5 spec itself is still growing in inconsistent and at times uncertain directions there are bound to be holes and gaps in the implementations. For Captivate 6.1 the first one I encountered was the “This browser does not support some of the content…” error I got when I attempted to view my HTML5 output in my browser of choice—Firefox. It was version 20, and I know Firefox has supported HTML5 audio and video tags since version 3.5 so it had to be something silly. In the proprietary software world that may mean license issues, and so it does with Firefox (Free, Open, Libre software) and the MP3 (not so much). Captivate exports only MP3s, Firefox (and Opera) play only OGGs. So until Adobe offers a checkbox on the Publishing page you can do the following, or hope your visitors use only IE, Safari or Chrome—as the majority probably do… but we’re big on inclusion around here so let’s not leave anyone out!

I quickly ascertained it’s the MP3-only audio export preventing Firefox from doing Captivate sound. As you probably know, some browsers do MP3, others do OGG. You may even remember why. Fortunately that’s the only reason Firefox won’t play Captivate HTML5. All you have to do are

  1. create OGG versions of each MP3 and
  2. edit two JavaScript files to
    1. detect Firefox
    2. provide the appropriate file extension and
    3. suppress the error message.

Simple enough you say, but I figured I may as well google it and see what others have done. I did, and found all the hints I needed in hermit9911’s answer to this post (scroll down a few). hermit just needs OGG. I want both to work depending on browser, so I had to improvise on hermit9911’s theme. Here are the steps I ended up following.

1. Create OGG versions of each MP3

There are many programs that convert audio formats. I used Audacity’s “Chains” feature (macros). Since I’ve met many more people who know of Audacity than know of its Chains feature, I’ve done a separate screencast of that process:

Made using Camstudio (screen video), iPhone (narration),
Audacity (mix/process audio) & Sony Vegas (mix/render video)
Can you suggest a good open source video editor? Please use the comments with my thanks!

2. Edit two JavaScript files

detect Firefox

Project.js is found in the root export folder. It’s “minified,” which means line breaks and extra spaces are removed and it’s pretty hard to read, but we can add our tiny bit of code right at the beginning. I don’t see any need for feature detection in this case, so I settled for user agent:

var is_firefox = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1; 
// converts the string to lowercase then creates Boolean, 
// true if it finds 'firefox' anywhere in the name. Otherwise : false 

provide the appropriate file extension

Once you have a question that can be answered yes or no the best syntax is usually as follows:

myExtension = is_firefox ? '.ogg' : 'mp3'; <br>// Yes? Send '.ogg' No : send '.mp3

Then just search & replace existing .mp3' with '+myExtension Everything between ”s is literal, myExtension is variable depending on the answer to is_firefox?yes:no;

UPDATED: If you have Administrator rights and access to the Adobe Captivate install folder you can add these changes to the template Captivate creates the file from. Otherwise both files are overwritten every time you publish, and you have to repeat all these steps. If you can access and edit
use that file instead (path to install folder will differ depending on operating system and installation) otherwise follow the instructions as written:
Next, open [PublishFolder]/assets/CPHTML5Warnings.js and make the two additions suggested by hermit9911. (I looked up the earliest version of Firefox that supported the audio tag and replaced hermit9911’s xx with 3.5).

this.BrowserEnum.FIREFOX_MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION = 3.5; // sets minimum version, used in code below

suppress the error message

Finally at the very bottom of the file you will find a series of IF and IF ELSE statements… add the following after the closing semicolon of the last one:

else if((this.browser == this.BrowserEnum.FIREFOX) <br>  &amp;&amp;<br> (this.browserVersion &gt;= this.BrowserEnum.FIREFOX_MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION )) <br> lSupported = true;

Browse to index.html in Firefox, press Play and watch your movie. With a bit of practice this will add all of about 5-10 minutes to your publishing routine. Alas, you’ll have to redo Project.js—and convert all your audio files— every time you publish.

As an extension activity, make this work for Opera (yes, you can use find/replace but watch case-sensitivity. Do each separately… firefox/opera and FIREFOX/OPERA). Use flow control instead? (Hint: yes) Look back at the code above and explain why you need to do that. Would you change the variable name? To what?

My entire solution instructions and code snippets
(including my answers to the extension questions)

/* ADD TO TOP OF Project.js */
var wantsOggsOverEasy = ((navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1) || (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('opera') > -1)), myEXT=wantsOggsOverEasy?'.ogg':'.mp3'; 
/* nb comma/semi-colon usage - I declared 2 local vars in 1 dec */

/* This is the text to search for
   .mp3' and change it to '+myEXT
  FROM: src:'ar/Mouse.mp3',du:182
       TO: src:'ar/Mouse'+myEXT,du:182

IF you have Admin privileges find the Captivate install folder and edit the warnings file found in
[InstallFolder]\HTML\assets\js\CPHTML5Warnings.js. Otherwise you can save these changes in a safe place and you'll need to replace [PublishFolder]/ar/CPHTML5Warnings.js in the published location every time you publish. (Project.js is generated programmatically by the publishing engine, so to the best of my knowledge it must be fixed after each publish, also protect your OGG files.)  */

/* In CPHTML5Warnings.js 
(somewhere between lines 19 and 20) non-destructively ADD:  */

        this.BrowserEnum.FIREFOX_MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION = 3.5;
        this.BrowserEnum.OPERA_MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION = 10;

(approximately line 112) AFTER final 
          lSupported = true; AND BEFORE

          return lSupported; non-destructively ADD 

		else if((this.browser == this.BrowserEnum.FIREFOX) && (this.browserVersion >= this.BrowserEnum.FIREFOX_MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION))

            lSupported = true;	
		else if((this.browser == this.BrowserEnum.OPERA) && (this.browserVersion >= this.BrowserEnum.OPERA_MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION))
            lSupported = true;


N.B. Post was edited for clarity since first publishing.